Renting your home or holiday home over Christmas?

Are you renting your home or holiday home over the holiday period? If so, you should read the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s article below which covers: creating and enforcing a holiday rental agreement tax obligations, if any insurance cover health and safety and consumer laws claimable expenses and record-keeping.

Fringe Benefit Tax – Motor Vehicles

The IRD has released a helpful booklet in relation to Fringe Benefit Tax (“FBT”) and its application to motor vehicles. FBT arises when an employer makes a motor vehicle available to an employee for private use in connection with their employment. The booklet provides a clear explanation of what constitutes private use (e.g. travel between…

Property Investment?

Kirsten Murfitt Law in conjunction with OPES Partners would like to invite you to come and learn about property investment and how you can profit from it. We are running a one hour workshop on Wednesday 22nd of March at 6:00pm. Come and hear how you could you could use property on your pathway to…